Express – UCLA's online travel and entertainment reimbursement system – is accessible to any active UCLA or UC Merced employee. Employees must have a Single Sign-On ID (UCLA Logon, OASIS, QDB) and password in order to log on to Express. See Related Information to find out how to obtain access to the system.
How to Register
Registering for Express is a one-time process. Once registered, employees are never removed from the system; they become inactive only if their employment ends.
There are two ways to register for Express:
- Self-Registration - First-time login automatically registers an employee in Express. Note that students who have active employment appointments can be registered in Express as employees.
- Department Proxies can register someone into Express using their University Employee IDs. Your departmental security administrator (DSA) must designate and set up department proxies in Express.
- Once assigned as a department proxy, the department proxy link will be available on your Express main menu. Click on this link.
- Enter the employee's University employee ID number.
- If that person does not have a UCLA email address in the Orion directory, you will be prompted to enter one. Express only accepts UCLA and UC Merced domain email addresses.
- Department proxies can only register employees who have an active appointment within the department to which the department proxy has access. To register an employee who is part of another department, contact the Express Help Desk.
The registration process is an overnight data update. When you successfully register an employee, that person will be added into your proxy list by the next day.
CST# 2046415-70
Email: | Fax: (310) 794-3509
10920 Wilshire Boulevard, 5th Floor
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.